viernes, 23 de marzo de 2012

Interview to Jenne Dibou (Designer) in Second Life.!

Interview by: Graphic Design students and Teacher;
Avatars / Nicknames..
  • Imraff
  • Nushita
  • Sosirena
  • nahirnmlsum25
  • papitasyhelado
  • OneHornMolly
  • Alex
  • Cerealbx
Guide and Teacher: Piona Destiny

Jenne Dibou

Creator of The Forgotten City in Second Life.

She is a builder, designer in any kind of 3D and 2D specification.
"all is for the best in the best of all possible worlds"

Interview (questions)

Since when are you in SL?
I am here in SL since 2007, and I built my first cube around April of 2007.
What do you like most about SL?
I like the most, it's always changing, always something new things coming, and I can learn non-stop tinkering around^^
Well Jenne, the avatar you are using now is the same one from the beginning? Or has it changed too much?
My avatar changed a lot, yes. First I was blonde, but then I decided follow my RL appearance, and I the last few years i worked on it. Now matches about 75 %:)
How much time do you spend on SL on a regular day?
In 2007-2008-2009 about 14-16 hours a day. And from 2010 it reduced to cc. 6-8 hours
Do you think people can find a job, education, love and friendship in a virtual place like SL?
Yes, i believe, SL can be a base of a nice life. Certainly it must be connected somehow into RL, but yes, here can be found anything from job to relationship, etc.
Who invite you? Or how you decided to start on this game?
I read about SL in a Hungarian website as an interesting morph. so i gave it a shot. And i learned, the news were wrong: SL is not a game. It’s a second life.
Do you work with other 3D programs or any other designing programs?
 I usually work with Maya. This is the first i learned, but i tried almost all of them. I am always seeking for the best pipeline for SL and it changes. Depends on the job, and the version of SL viewer

Why do you select second life? Why not another 3D game online like IMVU?
I tried one another world, that already closed... forgot the name, other creators moved there to try it. But i think any other virtual world is so nice complex as SL. and well.... i know mostly only this one ^^
If you designed an environment in SL, how would it be like?
 It’s always abandoned, and ruined a bit, but still can be seen, it was fancy once a long time ago
Have you tried to do 3D designs in other places besides Second Life?
Yes, i worked in some other small projects, but i made only mesh models, nothing more. Actually i don’t like model too much on the computer, i prefer clay, water and dirt^^
Do you work alone? Or you have a group work?
I make my models alone, but i can't script. I am too dumb for that, i have a partner: Mandy Marseille, she makes all my scripts and sounds.
What inspires you to design?
My inspirations coming from everywhere. Any kind of art, or any part of life. I just got impulses, and it mirrors back in my creations.

Are you an afficionado, or, did you study some sort of Design school?
i studied as 2d designer and a window-dresser. Also studied art of history at the university, but i never finished that. Found too boring :)
What do you do specifically? In what area are you really good at? Or what area does like the most?
i think, i am not really good in 3d, it’s just a luck, that my feelings can come through my works.
On your country, is well known SL? Is something famous, do you know people from your country?
In my country people think about SL as a game. Mostly young people playing it as RPG, a 3d facebook. However, i met already some artists from Hungary, but they are working individual, like me.
What do you think about our appearance? Which avatar took your attention since you're here? Who’s the most funny? Who do you think is the sexiest hehehe? Talk us about that ;)
I like you all! You are all lovely, and i think even the stock avatars expressing your personality
What type of script do you use? what JAVA. HTML... MYSQL, JQUERY. The name of the script... does it have one?
I wrote a sound changer... but i failed definitely. I don’t like to talk about my scripting abilities, frustrating to have none: D
What we need to know for create a place like this (forgotten city)?
I think not too much. Using at basic level one 3d applications (3dsmax, blender or Maya) and have a lot of idea, and patience.

martes, 20 de marzo de 2012

Internet marketing for freelance Designers..!

Currently working freelance for many designers is more comfortable and productive, but to make themselves known and offer its services to individuals and businesses from home or the other ideal is to use the internet. This medium allows us to meet both specific clients and to any person in the world at low cost or no, but you must take into account various aspects such as:
• Create an online portfolio (web site) attractive, simple and easy to use.• Encompass different areas on the website to be found more easily by search engines.• Use different tags for search engines.• promoted by email or other web spaces.

PARTS OF SPEECH (examples extracted from the article):
  • NOUN: Internet, Search Engine Optimization
  • PRONOUN: It, Their.
  • ADJETIVE: Effective, Cheap
  • VERB:  Reach, exhibiting
  • PREPOSITIONS: Of the, Most
  • INTERJECTIONS: -----------
  • ADVERBS: Regularly, Google


Hi..!  These are my results of the practice of the TOEFL test  (Test Of English as Foreign Language.The essential exam for entry to Universities in the United States. Academic language), in which obtive an regular score. This practice is similar to what might be the TOEFL test ... Try them..!


domingo, 18 de marzo de 2012

Cover Letter ! (Get a job)


Good morning, i go to you to offer my services as a graphic designer work, i'll  love be part of your prestigious company, i would be a great purchase. I have a lot of creativity, desire to learn and develop as a professional. My capacity for digital design and crafts, my enthusiasm to innovate and go beyond the known them would be very useful. Hoping to take into account my letter, I say goodbye, thank you for your attention.

 Rossina Suárez
Graphic Designer
Tel 04146379773/02617481355

Epoch ! - "Nylon outfitters & yummy accesories". Second Life Store

Hi everyone!... A few days ago my partner Jessica Nieto and I visited the store "Nylon outfitters & yummy accesories" in second life and interviewed to a  fashion designer  "polyester.partridge"

These are the interview questions:
How did you get started as a designer?
My sister brought me into Second Life, we were looking for something that we do online together. She started designing clothes and I figured jewelry would be a great compliment to that.
What inspires you to design?
Fashion magazines, trends, music, photographs, anything really.
How did you hear about second life and its stores?
I heard about it from another online virtual world called There
How do you see yourself in the future as a designer?
I see myself continuing what I do now, it's always evolving and learning new techniques.
Do you believe that second life is the future of the designers, a site where they can design and show its creativity?
I think it's a cheap fun way to try out some creative ideas, but nothing can replace real life creativity!